Last Wednesday I went to a Barnes and Nobles for the Burning Angel book signing.

I have met many of the girls before and a couple of them even know me. They are without a shadow of a doubt some of the nicest, coolest, and hottest girls you will ever meet.

The book features photography from the Lovely Brenda.

The book is definitely worth getting. As I said before, Brenda's work is excellent and the pics in the book are beautiful, sexy, hot, and artistic. Just about, if not in fact every girl she has ever photographed, are in the book.
Burning Angel, for those not in the know, is a company that specializes in punk babes. While, other companies do this, BA totally kick their asses! The company is lead by the beautiful Joanna Angel.

The book signing was so much fun! I have been to other book or CD signings and whatnot, but none of them were as cool as this one. Or as sexy!

As I said before all the girls are so awesome. Baby Sinead was killing me with her stories and jokes! I smile and laugh just thinking back on them.

January Darling is always so sweet in person. And, she even signed my book by saying taht I was best BA fan ever! Score! :)

Morgan Mae is easily one of the coolest girls I have ever met. It's always cool to see her at these events.

I had not seen Whisky since an Adult Drawing event a year or two ago. Adult Drawing is an event held here, in NYC, where you get to draw the lovely BA girls. Anyways, she looked amazing, of course!

I really could go on and on about my love for BA, but I will end here. Suffice to say that my friend and I had a great time and that Burning Angel is the greatest ever!
One more thing, if you care to see more pics of me and the girls go to my myspace and the Burning Angel Rulz! folder. There you will find lots more pics form this and other BA events I have attended.