Friday night I decided to pop in my DVD of Gravedancers and I was reminded of the hotness of Josie Maran.

. She is of Russian, Polish, German, French, and Dutch (wow! That’s a lot right there!) mix. While, I have no clue why she dated David Blaine, in the first place, at least she ain’t with him no longer. That said she has a kid with some photographer guy named Ali Alborzi, which makes her a MILF!
. That was to promote Van Helsing. Said movie is far from good, but I have seen worse. The horrible acting by the guy who played Dracula, ridiculous plot, and shitty CGI overdose really hamper this fucker. Universal and classic horror fans, in general, may wanna avoid this one. Still, Moran plays one of Drac’s three brides. And, while there are three other hotties in the film, including Underworld’s Kate Bekinsale, Moran, is in my humble opinion, the hottest babe in the film. She dies at the beginning, but truthfully, she can suck my blood any time she wants, too!
, this fun, but flawed film is directed by Mike Mendez, who also made the kick-ass killer nun-demon film, The Convent, and it tells the tale of three friends (Moran being one of them) who dance on graves on a drunken night and now have to contend with some really pissed off ghosts. The acting is strong and along with Clare Kramer (she played Glory on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Meghan Perry, Moran is accompanied by two ravishing females. I really liked this film, but the climax is too over-the-top and hurts the film. Still, you should see this one.
For those of you into reality TV should note that she was also in Dancing with the Stars, but was voted off after one appearance. Fools! She would never get voted off my show! Even if her dancing did suck!
And so, with her long legs, sexy body, beautiful face, lovely light brown colored eyes, this stunner is just a complete and utter heartbreaker!
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